When people act like cavemen, in ‘unevolved’
sorts of ways, it is inevitable that someone is always there to ask “What year
are we living in?” meaning, there is something allegedly shocking to a person
of reason about how slowly large groups of people evolve socially over time. As
Donald Trump grows closer to securing the Republican nomination, he continues
to indirectly but not so subtly pander to the racist, misogynistic (largely)
uneducated white voters who are not above rising to violence who happen to
think Trump’s presidency will ‘change things.’ The question is, what is it
Trump supporters hope to change? It’s not like a whole lot of racist,
misogynistic (largely) uneducated white voters haven’t benefited from the
status quo for, well, pretty much all of American history.
And that’s just it; for Trump supporters, what
they are hoping to change is the direction in
The middling success of Bernie Sanders’
presidential campaign is indicative of this narrative. People of Color, gays, Millennials,
left-of-left leaning liberals and people who don’t want another Clinton in the
White House are flocking to a socialist who sounds like a Sweathog from Welcome Back Kotter. While blacks more
than any other group of minorities have suffered from institutionalized racism
(Native American aren’t around much to persecute anymore), it is hard to see
why they think a frazzle-haired Jewish president would suddenly make them equal
in the eyes of conservative white men, seeing how Obama’s presidency hasn’t
helped much. Really, though, blacks and gays are the only groups of people who
have truly been victimized throughout U.S. history, though it is arguable the
LGBT community has had a great deal more success in being accepted. Meanwhile,
Millennials and left-of-left leaning liberals feel victimized by being born
into a culture that is largely a meritocracy. People who don’t want another
Clinton in the White House feel victimized by the lack of Whole Foods
supermarkets in their neighborhood (that are owned by a Republican by-the-way).
What both sides have in common is that they feel
victimized by the status quo. The difference is slight at best; Trump
supporters want to stop the status quo from ceasing to be the status quo while
Sanders supporters think the status quo can’t change fast enough. In the
meantime, both groups of supporters (read: fanatics) are being forced to live
in a world that is utterly horrible, one that doesn’t kowtow to their
respective beliefs. This is, however, merely indicative of a larger problem
insofar as it has become every American’s prerogative to perceive any
transgression – no matter how slight – into being victimized. Politically, both
sets of supporters want to sell everyone on the idea that their candidate is
for freedom when in fact both candidates are diametrically opposed to freedom –
one is out to curtail freedoms for certain people while the other is out to
curtail the freedom of certain ideas. The U.S.’s currently culture of
victimization is born directly out of having too much freedom: The fact is that in almost no other country do
the citizens have so much freedom to protest that their freedoms are under
attack. Keep in mind that this is despite the media in the U.S. almost entirely
being under the control of a mere five corporations.
Moderate independent, liberal and conservative
voters alike have long mocked the ‘special snowflake’ narrative of left-of-left
liberals and Millennials when it appears all groups suffer from this delusion
that they are special and deserve special or preferential treatment. Chances
are, unless you’re an overweight, militant, gay Native African-American who
wears glasses, you haven’t been victimized by anything other than your own ego.
While both Trump and Sanders supporters would like to get rid of a culture that
is a meritocracy (in theory, anyway) it is perhaps best if we actually employed
a culture of meritocracy. Special or preferential treatment should be earned
regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation
or nepotism. I say this because employing a true meritocracy is the best way to
ensure everyone is treated fairly and no one can be victimized except by
Trump and Sanders supporters will never admit
they have anything in common which only further demonstrates their inability to
recognize their own humanness and the flaws that accompany it. Both groups
think their candidate can fix what ails the country, but it is highly unlikely
that more poison is the cure. Common ground is the cure, not a sharp divide.